
Creative Arts-Cameroon

Use your creative gifts to bring the stories of God to life in oral-based societies such as the Baka and semi-literate societies such as the Fulbe. Music, drama and the visual arts are tools for sharing the gospel and building relationships.

The arts are instrumental in creating new channels for evangelism and discipleship in Cameroon.

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Ethno-arts Specialist-Cameroon

Do you have a passion for sharing truths about God through local art forms such as music, drama, visual arts, and dance? In this ministry, you will use your creative gifts and skills to bring the stories of God’s Word to life.

Work with local artists to facilitate literacy in the local language. Help create art for the retention and sharing of Bible stories. Your artistic skills can be an invaluable contribution to a church-planting team. We are looking for individuals to serve among the Baka and Fulbe peoples.

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Micro-Finance & Community Development-Cameroon

Join a holistic church-planting team among the Fulbe and address the expressed needs of the people. Use your skills and experience in micro-finance and/or community development to make a positive impact in the spiritual and economic life of individuals and communities in the Adamawa Region.

Come as a student and a listener who is able to discern and develop contextually appropriate solutions, especially for believers who lose their financial support network when they choose to follow Christ. Converts to Christianity lose all family monetary support and need to learn how to support themselves and their churches in new ways.

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Church Planting-Cameroon

Do you have a passion for making disciples and bringing them into community? Do you believe that making disciples of all nations involves Christians gathering together into local bodies for the purpose of exhortation, teaching, worship and prayer?

Do you enjoy sharing God’s Word with others and helping people grow in Christ? Come and make disciples of people with little to no knowledge of the gospel with the goal of gathering them into local churches. Serve among the Baka, Fulbe, Kwakum, Pol, or Nizaa.

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Youth Pastor-Cambodia

Calling all youth and children’s ministry workers! We need your passion for evangelism, building relationships and mentoring young people. Use your enthusiasm and creativity to reach children and teenagers in Cambodia among various people groups.

World Team has a zero-tolerance Child Safety Policy and is a participating member of the Child Safety Protection Network.

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Teacher Trainer-Cambodia

Use your skills in curriculum development, teaching and discipling others in order to strengthen the education system in Cambodia.

World Team has a zero-tolerance Child Safety Policy and is a participating member of the Child Safety Protection Network.

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Homeschool Tutor-Cambodia

Many missionary children are homeschooled. Families value gifted, creative tutors to help meet their children’s educational needs. Work with a rural team or family to tutor their children while supporting church planting ministry and experiencing the culture.

World Team has a zero-tolerance Child Safety Policy and is a participating member of the Child Safety Protection Network.

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Business as Mission-Cambodia

Use your business education and experience to help create for-profit businesses that will provide jobs and economic benefit to communities in which we are church planting.

We are looking for entrepreneurs who can research and launch small businesses and mentor small business owners. Your work has great value to the communities served and can provide a valid platform for discipling & mentoring nationals.

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