
Educate Missionary Kids-Philippines

Provide quality education to missionary kids, enabling families to stay on the field longer. Teachers and administrators are needed at Faith Academy- a fully accredited international Christian school in Manila.

World Team has a zero-tolerance Child Safety Policy and is a participating member of the Child Safety Protection Network.

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Teach English-Philippines

Did you know that your ability to speak and teach English is an asset that opens many doors for ministry? People with formal and informal training/experience in teaching English are needed on church-planting teams.

Your students will gain a valuable skill while you will have a natural bridge for building relationships and sharing your faith. Opportunities are available in both urban and rural areas.

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Ministries of Mercy and Justice-Philippines

Bring the love of Christ to the poor and disenfranchised — help them find joy and new life in Christ! Pray with those you serve to learn what their needs are.

Then use your creative, compassionate, innovative heart and mind to develop relevant, sustainable programs for meeting individual and community needs. Your ministry will be part of a holistic church-planting team approach and is needed in both urban and rural areas of the Philippines.

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Marine Biologist-Philippines

Have you ever wondered how you can use your degree in Marine Biology to serve the Lord? Come join a team that is building relationships and planting churches through a coral reef restoration project.

Use your love of nature to serve Filipinos who want to preserve their way of life.

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