GC Kids

Give your kids a heart for global missions! Inspire them with stories of how we can share God’s love with unreached people groups.



Taking Jesus to Immigrants

Jesus told us to “go into all the world” and tell people about Jesus. (Mark 16:15) But did you know that it seems like the world is coming to Toronto, Ontario, in Canada? We know that God loves all these people and he wants them to hear about Jesus.

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Germany And The Gospel

We said, “We can accept God’s forgiveness for our sins and start a personal relationship with Jesus by praying to God.” They said, “We have never heard this before.” No one had given them the Gospel’s Good News yet! We explained. “God’s forgiveness is a free gift. We don’t get it by doing good things. God gives it to us by his generous goodness when we believe in Him.”

Germany And The Gospel


Searching for Hope

The hope that we shared with her was different. It is eternal. It will last forever and the sad things about life on earth cannot destroy it. This true hope is a treasure. It is the kind of treasure in the heart that no thief can steal, bugs eat up, or rust destroy.

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Teachers of Missionary Children

As I grew up, I knew that I wanted to work for God and see Him change the lives of people from other cultures. But should I be a church planter? Should I be a missionary nurse? Should I be a Bible translator? Even when I finished high school I wasn’t sure.

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A Missionary Story

Elinor asked Pastor Siud, “Why do you all call me Bad Legs? I know my legs are bad, but what is the real reason?” Pastor Siud replied, “Your bad legs are important to us. Our people with bad legs can’t get out of this valley. But even with your bad legs God brought you all the way here to give us His Word. And God has helped you stay here with us. He did all this to give us His Word. That is how much He loves us.”

Watch a video about Elinor called “Bad Legs”

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Lima Peru’s Hidden People

There are 200,000 Chinese people in Lima. That’s enough for a whole city. Some speak Spanish, some can only speak Chinese, and many speak both languages. The most important thing, though, is that most of the Chinese people in Lima, Peru don’t know about the love of Jesus.

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Fadya’s Story

Hi! I’’m Fadya and I am 10 years old. One night a few weeks ago, I was bored and wanted to read. I grabbed my book about the prophets and started reading about the Prophet Adam.

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Welcome to the INN

We live in an age of migration. Our American neighborhoods are becoming home to the same people missionaries are working to reach for Jesus around the world. We need lots and lots of workers in America to love and serve our New Neighbors.

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William Carey – Father of Modern Missions

William Carey was a pioneer of modern Christian missions. He was not rich, but he used his God-given genius and every method he could to serve his Creator and bring the light of the Gospel to the dark corners of India.

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Cuba, Coffee & Christ

One day Luis walked into a small, crowded coffee house along a narrow street in downtown Santa Clara. Luis didn’t look friendly when he walked in to the coffee shop that day. But there Luis found friendly people who talked to him about Jesus and listened to him.

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