For more than 100 years, the truth of the Gospel has been preached among unreached people groups without much success… until now. God is moving in the hearts of the Hindustani and some are coming to know Him. They are turning from their countless idols to worship the one true God. World Team, in partnership with local organizations, is training local believers to evangelize and disciple in their own communities. House churches are forming and growing in spiritual maturity. This is a unique time in the history of Suriname. Join God in His work. More workers are needed to help evangelize, disciple and train leaders.
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When World Team missionaries first encountered these indigenous people over 50 years ago, they were not met with open arms. Both the Trio and the Wayana were suspicious of their motives. More than once they considered killing them. Each tribe would soon learn not only about pure motives, but that the love of Jesus Christ would motivate them to do the same. A full half century later, 98% are believers and are vigorously seeking out other tribes with the saving message of Jesus Christ.