
Prayer is Vital to Global Missions…
Please intercede in prayer. Your prayers make a difference and we are so grateful for them! Please offer a prayer for the world in general and for specific needs listed below. We ask that you sign up for our newsletter to have prayer concerns and updates automatically sent to you.
Open Doors
God opens new doors for the Gospel. Pray for favor from governments and authorities for missionaries needing visas and for churches seeking places to meet together. Please offer prayer for workers and prayer for safety. Pray that the Gospel would prosper, even in the face of persecution. Intercede in prayer for God’s protection upon those who meet in His name.
Pray that God would enable each ministry team to learn new languages and customs so they can reach people at a heart level. Ask for teachable, humble hearts among the members of our team ministries that are yielded to the Lord.
Changed Hearts
Pray for hearts to be softened and ready to receive the message of the Gospel. Pray that national believers would be rooted and established in love, and that they would grow in the knowledge of God’s word and boldly share it with others. Intercede in prayer for insight to know of new ministry opportunities.
Healthy Churches
Pray for the establishment of God’s kingdom as churches are planted, grow, and multiply in the least reached places. Pray for unity among believers so that churches would work together to impact their communities and the world.
Safety and Family
Pray for good health and safety for ministry teams and missionaries, many of whom work in remote places far from medical care. Intercede for missionary children and the added stresses that face families living cross-culturally.
Pray for missionaries to persevere with joy in the work the Lord has called them to do. Pray that fear transforms into faith-filled courage. Intercede in prayer against discouragement and the attacks of the enemy who seeks to destroy.
Pray for wisdom to discern God’s will as ministry teams set plans and priorities for ministry. Pray for their faith to grow as they trust God for all things.
Willing Servants
Intercede in prayer for more co-laborers willing to go and make disciples. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few! Pray for the growth of our ministry teams.