People Groups
Our Mission Fields
World Team has a long-standing relationship with the national association of Haitian churches, known as MEBSH, now a group of 488 churches. World Team partners with MEBSH in evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training of Haitians of all ages, urban and rural, poor and well-off. The MEBSH churches and their institutions offer vital social services in the name of Christ to needy people: schools, radio, medical care, well-drilling, orphan care, trade schools, and community health and literacy projects.
Italians esteem beauty in nature, the arts and people. Ironically, with such a rich appreciation for their environment, the Italians live in spiritual darkness. Most know little to nothing of the Scriptures. Most Italians culturally observe the main Roman Catholic rites while freely living and believing their own version of spirituality. Some worship materialism, Buddhism, New Age, meditation, fortunetellers, or just their own idea of spirituality.
Middle East
Where Church History Began – Situated between Africa, Asia, and Europe, the Middle East has been a juncture for traders, travelers, and empire builders for thousands of years. It is the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Tucked between Romania and Ukraine, Moldova is little known to much of the world. Moldova has a long and turbulent history, having been repeatedly fought over and dominated by its neighbors. The fall of the Soviet empire in 1991 brought independence, but power struggles and economic trouble continue to plague the nation. Ranked as the poorest European country, life is hard for most Moldovans. Communism and Orthodox Christianity offer little relief for people’s daily needs or hope for their future. And yet, Moldovans are spiritually open, and we have opportunities to help grow the church by investing in its church leaders.
Muslim Ministry
God is Moving Among Muslims – The gospel is for every people group in the world without exception, since all are made in God’s image and are designed for relationship with Him.
Modern life is colliding with centuries of unchanged tradition among the remote tribal peoples of Papua, one of the world’s last frontiers. Television and even cell phones have made their way deep into the jungle interior long dominated by arrows, stone axes and pagan traditions. Within a few short generations many Papuans have made the transition from Stone Age practices to the 21st century. Thankfully, in some regions, these rapid changes have been preceded by pioneer missionary efforts and a movement of God’s Spirit among a handful of tribes. However, there is an urgent need for more workers and prayer warriors to further the work of the Gospel throughout Papua so that its people don’t trade ancient religious practices for a new set of modern or secular idols.
The Philippines was originally composed of tight-knit villages each with its own demi-gods and sacred objects. In the 1500s the Spaniards converted Filipinos to Catholicism, sometimes by force. But the conversion was shallow. People merely exchanged their local sacred objects for a crucifix, rosary, or an image of a saint while maintaining their original animistic beliefs.
To this day, Filipinos are attached to physical objects believed to have spiritual powers. People fight for the chance to gain a blessing by touching a holy object. When a prayer is answered, the object is honored, not God. Spiritism and witchcraft are common, intermingled with religious rituals required to please God. Paul sounds as if he were describing Filipinos in Romans 10:2-3: know what enthusiasm they have for the honor of God, but it is misdirected zeal. For they don’t understand that Christ has died to make them right with God. Instead, they are trying to make themselves good enough to gain God’s favor.

The Land of Howling Winds – Kidney-shaped Catanduanes is the twelfth largest island of the Philippines. Located on the country’s eastern most seaboard, Catanduanes is exposed to the Pacific Ocean and hit every year by powerful typhoons.
Learn MoreHuman Trafficking

The Oppressed in our Midst – Human trafficking is a massive issue in our world today, enslaving nearly 30 million people globally. Statistics show that up to 10 million Filipino men, women, and children are exploited through sex trafficking and forced labor in this $40 billion-dollar industry.
One of World Team’s core values is Training and Releasing Leaders. World Team’s involvement in Singapore centers on equipping Asian leaders from Nepal, India, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and the Philippines for cross-cultural service with various churches and mission agencies.
South Asia
The Hindu influence is strong in South Asia and those who identify as Christians number fewer than 1%. Additionally, Muslim-background believers have multiplied from about a dozen to about 10,000. Still, many organizations are effectively using innovative methods to draw people to Christ and plant churches among the Muslim populations in this region.
Southeast Asia
Migrants are greatly influencing this area, with Islamic people being the largest ethnic group among them. Trusting that God is preparing His people from numerous backgrounds to be a part of this work, we look forward to our teams multiplying and spreading the Gospel to these diverse people.