Reciprocal Assessment and Candidate Evaluation (RACE)

Our Reciprocal Assessment & Candidate Evaluation Process
RACE is a week-long process designed to help you proceed prayerfully, courageously, and purposefully on the course God has marked out for you. RACE is a community-based instrument where you will experience:
Learning: Expand your understanding of God’s plan for the nations. Check out who World Team is and where we’re going. Ask your toughest questions. Talk truthfully about the rewards and challenges of cross-cultural ministry.

Growing: Participate with a team to tackle simulated ministry situations that will teach you about your own strengths and weaknesses while working with others. Receive honest, constructive feedback regarding your gifts, abilities, and readiness from seasoned missionaries and trained assessors.
Preparing: Take what you’ve learned so far and explore where God can use you best. Set realistic goals for getting there. Take the fear out of support-raising and receive training so that this becomes a blessing, not a burden.
Discover your fit on an existing cross-cultural team or form a new one!
Join a community serving among the unreached.