We’re just ordinary people serving an extraordinary God. Our hope-filled future abounds in sharing the story of Jesus, in discipling others, in bringing those disciples together into communities of believers, and in developing and releasing those believers to create other communities until Jesus comes again.
World Team is an interdenominational mission agency with sending centers in Australia, Canada, and the US. Our 315+ members serve in 29 countries among 59 distinct people groups.
Our strategy is to focus on those areas with the least access to a culturally relevant gospel witness. We are committed to the spiritual and physical well-being of the communities where we serve and include business and community development efforts as part of our overall church planting ministry where needed.
Our passion is to see new believers discipled and brought together in community; to develop and release leaders in those communities, and to see those communities multiply throughout their region and the world. Simply put, to see church multiplication become the norm so that whole societies and cultures are transformed by the gospel.
One of our greatest joys has been aiding newly formed, missionary-sending organizations in the Bangladesh, Chad, Indonesia, Africa, France and the Philippines.

Learn more about our fields and see where the God-centered, people-focused teams are spreading the gospel and planting churches. This is not a comprehensive list. You can learn more about our fields through our newsletter.
Mission and Vision
Our Mission
To glorify God by working together to establish reproducing churches focusing on the unreached peoples of the world.
Our Vision
Innovative teams multiplying disciples and communities of believers, bringing the Gospel within reach of lost people everywhere we go.